One of my favorite authors, Dan Cederholm, hit another one out of the park. SASS For Web Designers is as insightful as it is delightful. This book is one that I reference occasionally and recently just reread cover to cover. This is THE book that inspired me to give CSS pre–processors a try almost a decade ago. Needless to say, I did and there was no looking back.
In the book, Dan, talks about what SASS is in a practical sense and the value SASS brings to the maintainability of our CSS. He introduces us to the SASS syntax, SASS compilers, SASS workflow, and provides a tonne of useful code samples covering everything from variables to mixins to includes and the like — the nuts and bolts of SASS that bring the day to day value and efficiency gains to our work.
True to form and keeping things fun, Dan, uses a fictitious record label’s Website to demonstrate some of the topics in the book. Enter Sasquatch Records. Now that I think about it, if there is no such record label as Sasquatch Records, I argue there should be simply so recording artists can say they’re “with Sasquatch”!
Filed in — Recommended Reads, Web Design